Friday, July 29, 2005

New Writing - Seen Through a Window by Hanish Parmar

The sun is rising in the east. As the morning awakens, the hustle and bustle of Mumbai opens its sore sleepy eyes.

Looking down from this mountaintop I see the hazy movement of cars, trucks, and rickshaws all rushing toward their destined destinations, each on a mission, many oblivious to this abode above.

This mountaintop brings serenity and peace to all who manage to climb her rocky and slippery steps, even to those who arrive using the cliff lift.

The freshness of the mountain breeze, untainted by the smoke and pollution, gently guide the clouds through their journey - of course, their movements are also pre-destined.

In the distance the approaching footsteps of priests and the chanting of sacred mantras bring a wake up call, the doors are unlocked. Again this daily samsara has begun, another day of worshiping, sacrificing, giving, and forgiving.

My face lightens up as I see the fully effulgent sunlight beaming through those harsh doors; the window restricts its full splendour. Temples now have to be securely locked to prevent thieves and rogues from robbing them - a sad but true sign of the times.

The priests hurriedly dress me in the finest attire and jewellery, perform the customary aarti, and light incense sticks, it is opening time – and time is money.

In the distance I see the many pilgrims and devotees slowly making their way up through the rough and rugged mountainside, uttering my praises as they take each single step.

What will they ask for today? As if I need to ask myself this! I see through them, see in their minds eyes and read what is within their hearts.

The lady with her husband halfway up the mountain, just behind the naked sadhu, they are coming to ask me to grant them a son.

The naked sadhu on the other-hand is coming to ask for my blesssing, and nothing more - his gift will be salvation granted by the absolute, as this is the one and only true path of the wise.

The cliff lift to my right is slowly approaching the mountaintop. Seated at the front is a man, a very rich man and illustriously dressed bearing gifts of gold, silver and precious stones. He has come to offer these gifts to me, as he has on many occasions, so that I may bless him with even more gold and riches. He is fully aware of the murder, adultery, and a countless number of robberies he has commited...

… this time, I won't grant him riches, but something far superior, a knowledge so that he may realise his true self - he is good person by heart but has swerved off the path of righteousness.

Well, here we go again, time to impart my unconditional love to all that come, until those heavy steel doors are closed and the sun sets in the west … then back to just me, and the small window.


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Anonymous said...

rubbish, too short and no story line!

Anonymous said...

I, myself, enjoyed this thouroughly. I thought the detail was superbly written and i found the ending marvellous. Very pleasing and inspiring

love yaz

Anonymous said...

A big pat on the back for hanish parmar!!!
brilliant, vivid descriptions.