Sunday, October 02, 2005

Dragon on the keyboard

origami dragon on my keyboardI haven't written anything for a couple of days - there's been a dragon on my keyboard. Ok, that's a feeble exuse (does he look frightening to you?) but it's an excellent metaphor! My 'dragon' at the moment is that I've realised that before I can write any more I've got to go back and revise my first three chapters, adding a vital element that I left out. Just a small thing, and hopefully it won't take long, but I'm resisting the idea of going back.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

What a cute dragon! Did you make him? :)

Nice blog, by the way.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Alison said...

Thanks Colleen! (It's good to get a real comment amongst all the spam.) I wish I had the skill to make dragons, but I don't, he was a gift.